Remember back in January when I wrote
this? Yeah, I didn't know anything back then. Those diapers ended up leaking just like all the other diapers before them. Apparently my boy has a monster-sized bladder. (Yes, I know he'll be mortified if he ever finds out I wrote that.)
For months we have been searching for the perfect overnight diapers. A good friend suggested Huggies Overnights and swore her boy hadn't leaked from them once. Love you, Colleen, but they were no match for Baylor and his copious amounts of urine. He was soaked by morning and I did more laundry than I care to remember.
On the advice of my therapist, we decided to try big kid overnight diapers. Like for kids who are potty trained but still pee during the night on occasion. They don't even have baby sizes; they come in 2T-3T or 3T-4T. My mom, hero that she is, went to the store to buy some for him and, by George, they work!
These are the kind she got. Funnily enough, though, she bought the girl ones on accident, so he's been wearing princess diapers every night for nearly the past week. But I don't care because he's only leaked once and it was only a little bit, not the whole-bed soaking we had become accustomed to. Obviously this won't work for smaller kids, but if you have a smaller toddler then perhaps his/her bladder is smaller too and will be easily accomodated by other brands and types of overnighters. For those of you with big kiddos, this is THE way to go!
So thank you to Leslie, should you ever read this, I am deeply in your debt for both your therapy skills and for suggesting these diapers!