Thursday, September 7, 2017

That's What They Said: Sweetness, New Vocabulary, and the Worst Dream EVER

Baylor:  (looking at me lovingly)  Mommy, I love you.
Me:  Bubba, I love you, too!
Baylor:  And I love your beautiful wavy hair.  (runs his hands over the top of my head)
Me:  Well, thank you, sweetie!
Baylor:  I like how it flops over one eye.
Me:  Thanks, bubbs.
Baylor:  (touches my forehead)  You have a nice ...
Me:  Forehead?
Baylor:  Yeah, forehead.  (cheerfully)  You could get a tattoo on it!
Me:  (laughing)  Okay.
Baylor:  (lovingly)  You could get a heart tattoo on your forehead.
Me:  Well, I'm not so sure Daddy would like that.
Baylor:  A HEART tattoo?
Me:  Even a heart tattoo.

(On a walk to the library, I was holding the kids hands, and - feeling a lot of love in the air - I lifted each one and gave it a kiss.)
Baylor:  (sweetly)  Mom, in the in-brain video game in my head, that kiss did a lot!  It boosted my love points and my experience points.
Me:  Awww, buddy!  You are so sweet!
Baylor:  I even leveled up!

Amalia:  Mom, I was listening to you and Baylor talking.
Me:  Yeah.
Amalia:  Yeah, I was ... wait, what was I doing?  Egg bursting?
Me: (thinking)  Eaves dropping?
Amalia:  Yeah!  Eaves dropping!  I'm going to call it egg bursting from now on, though.

(After hearing moaning from Amalia's room and then crying, she finally called me up using the saddest voice I have heard from her in a while.)
Amalia:  Mommy, I had the worst dream EVER.  (sobs)
Me:  (comforting her, remembering all the recent bad dreams she's had with bad guys breaking into our house)  Tell me about it, sweetie.
Amalia:  (crying)  I was at the beach or somewhere like that with some people and we went to get ice cream afterwards and I DIDN'T ORDER ANYTHING!!!  (sobs)
Me:  (desperately trying to stifle laughter building up inside me)  Ohh, sweetie!
Amalia:  (sobs and starts to roll over to go back to sleep)
Me:  (still trying to not laugh)  Okay, well why don't you have a dream and order some.
Amalia:  (sobbing)  I CAN'T!  They were already driving AWAY!!
Me:  Okay.  Then let's have a dream where you live in an ice cream store and can have all the ice cream you want.
Amalia:  (indignantly)  NO!
Me:  Okaaaay.  How 'bout, have a dream where you are with a thousand Sleep Sheep?
Amalia:  (indignantly)  NO!
Me:  Oooookaaaaaay.  Then just, have sweet dreams.  I love you, love you, love you.
(And, being my daughter, she promptly fell back asleep.)