Tuesday, January 6, 2015

That's What They Said: Practicality and Things You Didn't Know

(While they were playing pretend in the backseat ...)
Baylor:  Okay, I'm Santa and here I go down the chimney!
Amalia:  And I am Mrs. Claus!  I will help with the presents!
Baylor:  Yeah, you tell me who gets which presents!
Amalia:  (smiling)  Sure.
Baylor:  Okay, who lives here?
Amalia:  There is one kid.
Baylor:  And what does he want?
Amalia:  She wants ...
Baylor:  She?
Amalia:  She wants ... either a Bobo teddy bear or a doctor kit.
Baylor:  Hmm, I think I will give her the Bobo teddy bear.  Anyone else?
Amalia:  Yes, there is a baby.  You can put stuff in it's stocking.
Baylor:  And what about for the mom and dad?
Amalia:  Hmm, the mom and dad will get ... frying pans.
Me:  Ha!
Amalia:  And underwear!

(While Amalia was playing in the backseat as we waited for her brother to get out of school ...)
Me:  Amalia, what are you doing back there?
Amalia:  Shhhhh, Mommy!  I am looking for ghosts.
Me:  (whispering)  Oh, okay.
Amalia:  I can almost taste one.
Me:  (instantly confused)  Taste one?
Amalia:  Yeah.
Me:  Okay.  And what does a ghost taste like?
Amalia:  (as if the answer was obvious)  Peas and corn.

Amalia:  Daddy?  Did you know every kiss begins with "K"?

(While we were driving to run some errands ...)
Baylor:  Wait, what day is it?
Me:  It's the third.
Baylor:  Oh no!  The Ford Sales Event ends on January 6th!
Bryson:  What?
Baylor:  You know?  Where you can buy a Ford Focus or a Ford Fusion?  I wanna do that.  I want to buy one of those.
Me:  Well, sweetie, those cost thousands and thousands of dollars.  You don't have that much.
Baylor:  (in a reassuring voice)  But they give you cash back!

(At dinner ...)
Amalia:  Uh oh.  There is milk on my seat.
Me:  Did you spit it out on there?
Amalia:  (slowly, much like a detective) I believe so.

(At dinner again ...)
Me:  Soooo, I locked myself out of the car today.
Bryson:  How'd you do that?
Me:  I'm not sure.
Bryson:  How'd you get back in?
Me: Ah, the amazing Oma.  (my mom)
Baylor:  Did she move as fast as sweet sassy molassey?!
Bryson:  (laughing)  Well how fast is that, buddy?
Baylor:  (after thinking for a moment)  About 50.

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