Saturday, October 22, 2011

DQ and Mall Love

The other night after dinner, my mom, dad, sister, and I took the kids to the mall for a little shopping, elevator riding, and ice cream.  The last of which was, of course, the favorite.

Baylor opted for a tropical fruit smoothie.  I just loved how his little cheeks sucked in while he was drinking.

Mollie shared a vanilla cone with my mom.

It's always such a bummer when all the dessert is gone.

Okay, maybe not always ...

We were starting to get bundled up and all of our things gathered, when Mollie took off toward the center of the mall, arms outstretched all the way.

It turns out that, while my sister and I were finishing up at Gymboree, Mollie had discovered and fallen in love with the giant pillar near the middle of the mall.

I think she would have stayed there all night if I had let her.

But, sadly, it was soon time to go home.  As I reassured the kids, though ... I'm sure we'll be back there soon.

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