Saturday, March 10, 2012

Baylor's First Snow Day!

Baylor had his first snow day from school on February 24th!  I know for a fact I was more excited about it than he was; since he only goes to school once a week it didn't seem overly special to him that he was staying home for the day.  But, knowing what an awesome first this was, I documented it as much as I could.

Baylor spent most of the day in his Sunday underwear; usually he likes to don the correct day, but for some reason that day he really wanted to wear an off day.

It's weird to think of him being warm enough (on a snow day!) to lounge around the house in his underwear, but the little man's a hot box so it's almost more of a struggle to get him to wear clothes most days.

Baylor played with his Legos ...

... while Mollie raced a few cars down the race parking ramp.

Then they admired the snow for a while.

And then it was time for party time upstairs!  (For those of you that don't know, party time is where we go up to our room, "ride the elevator" in our walk-in closet, and stop at different floors to enjoy all sorts of different activities.  That day, we stopped at a floor that had an ice cream shop (a common request for the kiddos).  Bryson, who was home for the day after having traveled for the bulk of the week, did the scooping.

Then we played hide and seek!  I love hide and seek because it is a lot of fun AND it wears the kids out a bit, since they run everywhere trying to find me.  (I am typically the hider and they are the seekers, though that day Bryson hid as well.)  Behind the gliders in the kids' rooms is a pretty good spot to hide, but Baylor found me with little trouble.

It went on that way for a while until I found the ultimate spot.  Here's my view from behind Bryson's polos.

Bryson even had trouble finding me, so the kids had almost no chance.  When he helped them out, they discovered my spot ... then had to try it out for themselves.

It was a great day!  Happy first snow day, little man!

1 comment:

Cynthia Cassleman said...

Nicole, I love the elevator that stops on different floors. Such a cool way to imagine!