Sunday, June 3, 2012

Amalia vs. The Booster Seat

At two-and-a-half, Miss Amalia is quite the pistol.  When my girl wants something done, she does whatever she can to get it done.  Case in point, Mollie wasn't thrilled about wearing her diaper the other day, but she was stuck in her booster seat.  What to do?  What to do?

Just take off your diaper (that's it on the floor under the counter) and pants Houdini-style, right?  Amalia: 1  Booster seat: 0

Baylor just sat back and enjoyed his sister's handiwork.

Why stop at your pants and diaper, though?  Gee whiz, this shirt is bothering me!

Uh oh, I may have made a critical error in removing it ...

Oh well, at least my arms are free!

Never a dull moment around here, I tell ya!


Oma said...

She's one talented little lady!

Anonymous said...

she is at the table where eating is done, I think she is saying she wants her pu--y eating, love mum to watch me eat her litte girl's pu--y and lick her ass