Sunday, January 22, 2012

Football and a Fort

Watching our beloved Michigan State in a bowl game is so much different now that there are two kiddos in the mix.  For example, instead of lounging on the couch, the couch transforms into a fort.

A fort, mind you, that can only hold one child.  But hey, it does have a garage door!

And instead of focusing all your attention on the game, you get to explore all the cool stuff Oma has around her house ... like the smoking man.

I know smoking is bad for you and all, but this is bitchin'!  (My grandpa has one and used to light it for us all the time when we'd visit, so the smell of this alone is chock full of memories.)

Then, in no time, it's back to the fort.

But, in spite of all the changes, it still is so much fun to watch the game with your family of fans.

Even better if you get to share a cookie or two!

Baylor told Grandpa E it was time for a nap in the fort ... but only one of them was sleeping.

Then it was (cramped) snuggle time.

And, incidentally, we figured out that Baylor can help move the coffee table ... because he can actually lift it!

Mollie, for her part, used Oma as a jungle gym.  Who knows, maybe someday she'll be a real MSU cheerleader!

And after a win, there isn't much better than enjoying a homemade eclair!

And some laughter with the ones we love.

There's nothing much more to say except ... GO GREEN!


rachel said...

I totally remember that smoking man at your grandparent's house!

Nicole said...

Do you really?! That is amazing! :o) We loved that wooden guy so much!