Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Jacques Family Christmas Tree: The 2011 Edition

Last year I decorated the Christmas tree largely on my own ... not my favorite thing to do.  So this year I decided to have the kids help me, particularly with the soft/unbreakable ornaments.  I turned on the movie Elf for a little extra entertainment, and as it turns out the kids would rather watch a movie than help decorate a tree.  Who knew?!  

Baylor mostly stayed on the couch, but Mollie was content to view the movie from many spots in the room.

Okay, so maybe Baylor did switch chairs.  But he was still pretty much a television zombie for the whole experience.

My two little "helpers".

In the end, the tree got decorated, the kids loved the movie, and I wasn't alone for the event.  Long story short, it was a success!

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