Monday, June 14, 2010

Go Green: Reusable Nursing Pads

Nursing pads are pretty uniformly awful, I have found. They are bulky, lumpy, and always show up under your clothes. And if you buy disposable ones, they are pricey and rather wasteful.

Enter the reusable nursing pad.

Now, I will say that it's not as convenient to have to wash and dry your nursing pads; I bought the Gerber Reusable Nursing Pads and, since they come in a six pack, I have to wash them every three days. But it saves us money, and I don't have to throw them away after one use. And really, they're quite easy to wash; just throw them in a bowl with some hot water and a drop or two of gentle detergent and you're good to go!

Many companies make reusable nursing pads, but they aren't prominently displayed in stores so finding them may take a little effort (or you may have to order them online). Some shops on Etsy also make them; I haven't tried any of those, but I might if my Gerber ones give out on me.

Will they work for everyone? Nope. Some women make too much milk to be contained by these pads. But I like them just as much as other nursing pads I've tried, so the savings to our wallet and the Earth are worth it.

Go green!

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