Saturday night we had a quiet evening in, just our little family. Baylor requested to watch Sesame Street's Kids' Favorite Songs 2, so we popped that in for him ...

... and he went positively catatonic.

Mouth open, eyes glazed over. He sat like this for almost the entire 45 minute video. This is why we don't watch a lot of television at our house; I do the same thing when I watch television and I don't want him to get in the habit of watching t.v. all the time. Who wants to be that zoned out all the time?

He did smile a few times at his favorite songs on the video, so his face changed a little.

But by the end he was pretty much in the same position he started in.

Meanwhile, Mollie was having some of her nightly cereal. She has totally gotten into eating it, lately, and has been grabbing our hands to help things along.

Ah, a happy little lady!

After her dinner, she practiced sitting up with amazing success!

"Look, Ma! No hands!"

Baylor seemed less-than-thrilled that she was playing with one of his toys. Before this, she was just a blob that would smile at him as he whizzed by her. Hopefully he'll get used to sharing his toys with her, and vice versa, and we won't have too many problems!

It is nice that he can show her how things work, though; he got the banjo on this toy going and she really seemed to enjoy seeing the colors spin around.

Sitting up on your own takes a lot out of a girl, so she spent a little time snuggling with Daddy and fish-hooking herself. I have a feeling teeth are on their way.

Satisfied that he wasn't missing anything, Baylor did a lap of the living room. Can you believe how tall this kid is getting?!

Then it was time to do a little more sitting up!

And hand-chewing!

And then Daddy helped her play with the Leap Frog table all by herself!

It was a lovely little quiet evening in.
1 comment:
So cute! Miss you guys! But, that being said, Baylor's first reaction to someone "new" using his toys reminded me of a cute story about my brother when I was born. My mom loves to tell this story. I guess I'd been home for about a week when Mark (almost 3 at the time) looked at my mom and said, "When does he go back where he came from?" I guess he wasn't thrilled that someone else was taking mom and dad away from him.
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