Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fun at Oma's House

With life feeling a little out of control these days, I called on my parents and sister for some help this weekend.  They took both kids for almost a whole day while I got things done around the house.  Was it relaxing?  No, certainly not.  And I didn't get everything done, for sure.  But it was a start, and that's what I needed.

And while I was cleaning and tidying, the kids were off having fun!  Baylor always talks about baking with Oma and Aunt Christine, so they decided to whip up a batch of M&M cookies with his help.

He was "helpful" when cracking the eggs.

Bringing the cuteness on is helpful, right? 

Mollie just watched and ate.

The mess was finally cleaned up and smiles abounded.

Then Grandpa E demonstrated the proper egg cracking technique.

Baylor got to dump in the M&Ms!  Clearly he played a vital role in the cookies' creation.

And he kept a close watch on them as they baked.

Eagerly anticipating their completion.

Mollie took a bottle and sacked out in Grandpa E's arms.

And was so tired that she stayed asleep all the way upstairs and into the pack n' play.

I am so lucky to have such wonderful family nearby to help with my kiddos.  And they are lucky to have such loving people in their lives.  Thanks again, Mom, Dad, and Christine!  (Oh, and go green!)

1 comment:

Oma/Mom said...

You're welcome! It was a fun and busy day. Grandpa E and Oma were sacked out by 10:00. It's a good thing to have children when you're young.