Monday, September 10, 2012

Evening Stroll with an Exclamation Point

On a lovely August night a few weeks ago, we actually had time to take a stroll after dinner with the kiddos.  It was a wonderful evening, not too hot, not too cold, and the sun was starting to dip behind the trees in our neighborhood so it wouldn't be in our eyes for most of the walk.

Mollie, however, felt it was very important to bring two pairs of sunglasses for our walk, so she did.  The girl is all about accessories.

I should really note that the term "stroll" should be taken lightly; both kids have been all about running full tilt during our walks and expect us to do the same.  Ahhh, so relaxing!

Along the way, we heard the ice cream truck nearby, so we stayed on the main part of our street in hopes of catching it as it drove by.  There were some tense moments at the end of our walk when we realized we might miss it altogether, but it finally rounded the corner and we met up with it right in front of our next door neighbor's house.  Whew!

Baylor chose a firecracker popsicle, as did I, and Mollie and Bryson both chose ice cream sandwiches.

And all was right with the world.

Once Baylor finished his, he offered to help Mollie finish hers.  She gladly took him up on it ... she's just not a huge fan of sweets, you know?

So glad we were able to catch the ice cream truck at least once this summer!

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