Friday, October 4, 2013

A Year of Gratitude: Day 333

Today I am grateful for what happened tonight during and after dinner.  Baylor, who has never willingly sung a song from school or with others in general, broke out in song tonight and made my day, my week.  I asked him if I could tape it - something so huge and happy needed to be documented - and he agreed!

So here it is, Baylor and his sweet little voice singing the color songs he learned in school and reciting some of the poems they use in his classroom.

Then I asked him if he'd sing the numeral song for us, a request that sent him into a complete meltdown after his second week of school, and he told me that he would, but only if he could do it in the living room to be able to do the hand motions with it.  Um, okay!!!

I can't stop smiling.  For most kids this comes easily, but for Baylor this is a big deal and I couldn't be prouder of him.

Have a wonderful night!

Oh, and I have a couple videos of Mollie dazzling us with her singing abilities, but they aren't uploading as quickly as I'd like so I'll have to post them later.  Until then ... enjoy!

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