Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Confined to The Island

As I previously mentioned, my boy had the stomach flu this Sunday.  It was the first time I've had to keep him so quarantined and yet try to make his day as comfortable as possible.  We started off by turning our red couch into what became known as "The Island". 

He seemed to like it well enough at the beginning.

I remember my mom doing this for me when I was a kid, and it always made being sick a little easier.  Plus, it helps protect the couch from ... spatter, if you know what I mean.

I think Baylor really enjoyed the addition of the bed pillow, though he refused to lay down to rest.

The Island comes complete with an in-case-of-emergency bowl, which had to be used once.  After it was cleaned up, though, Baylor used it to store his feet.

Well, when he wasn't stretching, that is.

Amalia took her brother's illness as a chance to roam the house on her own.  She actually ended up doing laps around the downstairs and has become quite the crawler.

In her world, you never know what's around the corner.  So why not look?!

I mean, usually it's Mommy with the camera ... but still.

For the first few hours, we gave Little B a few teaspoons of Pedialyte every 15 or 20 minutes.  It was slightly arduous and our kitchen timer got a workout, but it was worth it not to overload his stomach.

In the meantime, Mollie finally discovered the stairs.  *sigh*

Once his spunk came back a little, we let him play with some of his more washable toys.

And Mollie continued her whirlwind tour of the house.  She's really getting the hang of pulling herself up.

Exploring is so much more fun when you're vertical.

Of course, until she figures out how to walk, crawling is still her main mode of transportation.

And sometimes there just isn't enough to hold onto to pull oneself up, you know?

And sometimes there is.

Miss Mollie had WAY too much fun with the wrapping paper.

I was trying so hard to get all the wrapping done, so we'd take her in the living room so she could hang out with the guys.  But determined little girl that she is, she'd always motor her way back to me.

Baylor tried to make a break from The Island.  He got all the way to the dining room before he was thwarted.

Soon Little B and his germs were back on The Island, safe and sound.

He made a break for it again later, and I got the boys to stop for a picture.  Aren't they handsome?!

Since he hadn't "spilled" since about 10:00 a.m., we decided to give him a little something for dinner.  He kept asking for "a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with honey in it" - his current favorite - but we decided to stick with something a little more bland.  Enter, the banana.

Mollie worked on her waving at dinnertime.

And when the banana stayed down, Baylor got to enjoy some applesauce.

He went to bed a little early that night and - knock on wood - hasn't been sick since.  It was an educational experience, to say the least, and I'm glad it went by quickly.

Hope your holidays are merry and bright ... and very healthy!

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