Sunday, December 19, 2010

"I Spilled."

As my alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, I could hear Baylor coughing and starting to cry in his room.  In no time at all, he was sobbing and coughing so I dashed downstairs, grabbed his water, and rushed back up to his room.

"Bubba?" I said.  "Mama's here."  He stopped crying as I put my hand on his head, trying to find him in the darkness.  I then, for reasons unknown to me, put my hand on his mattress.  It was more wet than it should have been, more wet than just tears.  I hurried over and turned on his lamp then went back to his crib and looked in.

Looking at me with tears in his eyes, Baylor said, "I spilled."  He had thrown up.

"Yup, buddy, you did.  It's okay, though.  Just let me go get Daddy."

Bryson and I got him cleaned up, changed his sheets, found him a new blankie, and I rocked him back to calm so he could fall back asleep.  He thankfully went back into his crib calmly and definitely drowsy, and in no time he was back asleep.

I took a shower, pumped, and got breakfast, probably a little slower than usual but I had a lot on my mind.  I was so hoping that this was a one-time fluke.  Then, at about 8:30 I heard him making heaving noises and coughing on the monitor.  I ran as fast as I could up the stairs to find him in his room dry heaving into a corner of his crib.  After a few moments, he threw up again ... on his hand ... and then he laid down in it.  Ugh.

We got him cleaned up again, back into some clean pj's, and headed downstairs.  Unbeknownst to me, my husband let him have a bit of water on the way downstairs, and then we gave him some Pedialyte once we got him settled in.  I went to work setting up what became known as the Island, covering our couch with sheets and bringing down an old bed pillow for him to snuggle with, and the boys hunkered down.  Then Bryson went to get some breakfast, and Baylor and I watched some Sesame Street.  All of a sudden, I could feel him heaving next to me.  I grabbed the bowl we had procured, but the little man refused to hold his head over it.  Then he started puking, and I chased his mouth around trying to capture as much as I could.  He actually seemed almost more mad that I was trying to get him to throw up in the bowl than upset at the fact that he was throwing up at all.


Most of the chum ended up in the bowl, and the stuff that missed hit me instead of him.  After a wardrobe change, we settled back down.

We decided the best course of action would be to sedate the little man with television, so that's what we did.  All told today we watched three or four episodes of Sesame Street, A Charlie Brown Christmas, It's Christmastime Again Charlie Brown, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Kids Favorite Songs 2, and ABC with Elmo.  And while the kids were napping, my husband had on football.  I feel a need for a television hiatus, but it worked for the most part - Baylor stayed put without too much prodding.

And Little B's tummy?  He stopped throwing up by 10:00 a.m. and was able to keep down half a banana, a bowl of applesauce, and a bowl of Gerber Puffs, along with a bunch of Pedialyte.  Hopefully this is the end of it, and hopefully none of the rest of us get sick.  (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!)  I have spent the day keeping Baylor quarantined and toys sequestered for just this purpose, but germs are sneaky little sh*&s and you never know what tomorrow will bring.  And I don't know what this means for our holiday celebrations; some websites claim that you can be contagious with this for up to two weeks.  I can't have two more weeks of todays; keeping Baylor confined to the couch took an enormous amount of television and vigilance, something I don't know if I can sustain for that long.

We'll see.  *sigh*  We'll see.

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