Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Equilibrium Day for Mollie

Miss Amalia Jean is officially nine months old!  Can you believe it?!  I know she was born a little early, but doing the math on this hurts my head so I consider this her equilibrium day (same amount of time in the tummy as out) even though it was probably a couple weeks ago.

She is turning out to be quite the little character.  Her smile has taken on a life of its own, nose scrunching and all.

Her crying is pretty epic, too.  Just look at those tears!

She is quite the hilarious little girl, always wanting to be part of the action.

And she's getting pretty good at sharing, too.  Her binkies are her current favorites.  Ooh, and they come with free drool and lots of it!

She loves her brother intensely.  Whatever he does is golden and if she can take part in it she will.  If she even hears him starting to stir on his monitor while she's eating breakfast, she will halt the meal so we can go get him.

She's gotten better at jabbering, too.  And, for better or worse, she does it quite loudly ... especially in the morning before Baylor gets up.

Now that she's mobile, she gets into all sorts of things.  Today she decided to move the mouse in our December pocket calendar on her own.

Oh, and her stats from today's appointment:

Weight: 20 lbs.  (72nd percentile)
Height: 29 1/4"  (95th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 1/2"  (64th percentile)

She's growing well and is such a sweetheart.  Unfortunately, she's got a bit of stranger anxiety these days, so I am her favorite person when "strangers" (i.e., anyone else) are around.  It is a little tiring and difficult for some to understand, but it's actually quite typical for her age.

I can't wait to see her little personality develop more and more each day!

And in case you're interested, here is Baylor's equilibrium day post!

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