Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mollie's First Stomach Flu

As I mentioned in the previous post, Mollie got her first case of the stomach flu right after her birthday party.  She got sick before bed and then again this morning after breakfast, so we were pretty sure she was actually sick.  Unfortunately, we had to restrict her food and beverage intake all day, and that made her pretty cranky.

After napping and snuggling most of the day, she was ready to be back to normal around dinner time.  At first we continued to restrict her fluid intake ... two syringes full every seven or eight minutes. 

With a binky chaser, of course.

She didn't really appreciate me taking pictures of her either ... maybe it was because her hair was a little wonky after having had a 102.6 fever for most of the day.

She didn't quite get the whole pillow thing either ... poor Bryson just wanted her to be comfortable.

Baylor was in good spirits, even though hearing his sister be so upset for so much of the day seemed to really bother him.  And on the upside, he ate his dinner really well!  Ah woo hoo!

We felt bad for Mollie, we could tell she was starving, so we broke away from our pediatrician's handbook's advice and gave her some applesauce.

Yeah, she ate it as quickly and as excitedly as she could muster.

It was quite adorable.

She fell asleep in my arms as I read to her tonight, but I hear her on the monitor crying now, so I should probably go check on her to make sure she's okay.

Good luck to you all!  Wash your hands and do your best to avoid the flu ... it's really going around!

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