Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Little Reassurance

Every month I try to go through my magazines, rip out the articles I want to keep, and then recycle the rest. The only magazine I haven't been doing this for is Parents, mostly because I don't know what articles may be pertinent later (they cover a wide age span - from pregnancy to 12 years).

I decided to flip through one of the issues anyhow, just to see if I was able to weed anything out ... I ended up keeping the whole thing. But I did find an article that was actually pretty reassuring to me.

It is in the January 2009 issue and the article is entitled "Your Baby's Personality." It outlines four different personality types often possessed by babies and then tells you what he/she needs from you to thrive. My son would be considered a "mellow baby", so here's what they say about that ...

The Mellow Baby

At the other end of the spectrum are go-with-the-flow infants who are content to entertain themselves. "Elia, my 6-month-old, is almost always in a peaceful mood," says Arizona mom Kristine Dzelza-Hopsone. "She adapts to new things easily, so we can involve her in most everything we do."

What she needs from you: Even if you've got a child who's so chill she could tolerate the most chaotic schedule, it's still important to maintain a routine: All babies need structure to feel secure. No need to be rigid about scheduling, though. Breakfast doesn't always have to be at 7 a.m. on the dot, but it should be in the same time frame, and bedtime should be predictable too. You can be looser about naptime, bathtime, and outings.

Luckily this is pretty much what we already do, so I do feel a bit better about that. Now I just have to figure out how to get him to stop using me as a pacifier in the middle of the night. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Maggie May said...

awww your baby is so beautifully cute! i have three and my youngest is seven- i miss the babes. :)