Thursday, March 5, 2009

Would You Do It?

Yesterday on, Joanna Goddard wrote about a German website called Naked People where you can actually see ... naked people. The people are initially clothed then as you click on them their clothes fade away. And they are totally naked. That said, it isn't pornographic ... it is just a bunch of normal people in the buff. Just standing there. It's a little weird and off-putting at first, but should it be?

I know as Americans we are taught to think of the naked human body as taboo, but should it be? We all have one. And should we be as ashamed of our own bodies as some of us are? The people on this site aren't perfect looking (some are far from it), but there they stand. Seeing them seem so unafraid to be bare in front of the world was slightly empowering.

So here's the question ...

If an artist put a call out to all normal people (i.e., non-celebrities) that (s)he was doing an exhibit like this on the human body ... would you do it? Not sure I would, but it's a thought.


Amber said...

What an interesting question. I don't know if I would do it or not. I actually don't mind being naked and don't feel self-conscious about it. My mom taught me to embrace being naked and not to be ashamed of my body when I was growing up, so maybe I would do it.

I really don't think there's anything wrong with that, I mean, it's not pornographic and I don't think there's any reason we should be taught to be disgusted or ashamed of nakedness!

Aubrey said...

The only magazine I ever really loved was called Jane and they did an issues where they did a whole bunch of stuff about breast health and breast acceptance and bla bla bla where they had a lot of real women pose naked showing just their breasts so they could show what real women's breats look like and how different everyone is - you couldn't see anyones heads just their breasts and part of their torsos and it really help me with some of my body issues because it showed that all of use are different and no one looks like the "magazine girls" or the porn stars. So even though I don't think I have to courage to so one of those websites/articles, I'm glad they exist becuase not only was I helped I'm sure lots of others have been helped too.