Monday, December 21, 2009

Because Everyday Isn't Sunshine and Rainbows ...

Nope, everyday isn't sunshine and rainbows at our house. I wish it was, and I do my best to encourage it, but truth be told we have crummy, cloudy days just like everyone else.
Today has most certainly been one of those days. From the moment he got up, my little man has been unhappy. I have no idea why; it isn't anything obvious. (Yes, I have a few guesses, but nothing seems truly worthy of the level of unhappiness that has settled into my son.) There are glimmers of the usual Baylor here and there, but they have been so few and far-between today, overshadowed by crying, sometimes intense sobbing, and pouting and a LOT of "No's". No to this, no to that. No, even when he wants something. (Yeah, he's been doing this a lot lately, but today it has more attitude.)
So today has been crappy for us. I have tried to keep the calm in the house and cheer things up as best as possible, but sometimes he just won't have it. And then it's down to a hug. Sometimes you just need a hug. Either which way, we all have our days, and I have amazing hope that tomorrow will be so much better.
Hoping your day has been better than ours.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Hang in there Nicole. Hopefully Tuesday was better than Monday and Wednesday will be even better. Christmas will be here soon too, so hopefully that'll be lots of fun for you and the family.