Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Judge-y a Bit, Are We?

I sobbed as we left the house the other day. I sobbed so hard I think I scared my husband. Had we not needed gas, I would have cried for a lot longer. But we needed gas, I needed some water, and I had to use the bathroom so we stopped only a few minutes away at a gas station and I went into the store, red eyes and all.

After using their bathroom, I picked up some water, an A&W root beer, then made my way to the check out counter to pick up some small treats for the ride. The clerk smiled at me and asked if she could help me find anything.

"No, just looking for a little treat," I said.

"If you're interested in a healthier option, we have some trail mix on sale over here," she hinted back.

Um, judgey much? I smiled as politely as I could, held back all the snarky remarks that flooded my brain, and responded that I had plenty of healthy options in the car and that I just needed a little chocolate. (And I'm talking a little chocolate ... I got a couple over-sized Andes mints for my husband and me, and they are only 1.25" by 2.5".)

Hearing I had healthy options in the car, she actually seemed relieved and said, "Good!"

I have to say, I was pretty miffed that this clerk was openly judging me for my food and drink choices. (Just ask my husband.) It's not like I was getting alcohol, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or even a king-sized candy bar. I ended up purchasing a bottle of water, the root beer, two of the little Andes mints, and a tiny box of Tropical Lemonheads and Friends. That's it. In the car, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a Fiber One bar, a couple Kashi TLC bars, an apple, and a bag of carrots, pretty healthy fare if I do say so myself.

What do you think? Am I totally overreacting? Or was this person sticking her nose in my business?


Amber said...

TOTALLY acceptable for you to be pissed. What a judge-y bitch!

My god, you can eat whatever you want. I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT! Haha.. Also, sorry to hear you were so upset :(

Aubrey said...

Been there. People judge all the time. Did I tell you about the time I stopped at Victoria's Secret to get panties for Z on my way to Greece and the sales girls told me the size I was buying wouldn't fit me and I should shop else where? People suck. :) I love you!