Friday, June 3, 2011

Fun With Couch Cushions

Lately, Baylor has been all about removing the couch and chair cushions in our living room and dreaming up all sorts of uses for them.  I believe this structure was used as a potty, a house, and a floor couch.

Mollie just has fun getting into whatever Baylor is doing.  She has become quite adept at scaling these cushion structures.

Oh, and he so does not appreciate it if you put the cushions back.  At all.  For any reason.

His other favorite thing to do is to use the cushions as tray tables in an imaginary couch airplane. 

And, to keep you feeling extra comfortable, he makes sure you have your blankets on first.  No matter how hot it might be, blankets are a must.

And yes, he constructed this ... my parents had to help him over the mound to get him in the "airplane".  It was awesome.  And a little bit warm.  But still awesome.

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