Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pregnancy-Related Nausea Update

Because they really shouldn't call it MORNING sickness.

I went to the grocery store last night, and it was AWFUL. Sorry, not trying to complain but this blog is for sharing and that's how it was last night. Truly, truly awful. It's a miracle I bought anything I felt so crummy.

On the upside, my son was a true angel the whole time. I am so lucky to have him!

I digress.

I ended up buying Cheeze Kurlz because they looked moderately good (or at least they had sounded good a couple days ago) and cranberry raspberry juice because raspberry is supposed to help soothe your stomach. I bought other things, but they were not of note.

I broke open the Cheeze Kurlz last night after I got everything put away and they were awesome. So awesome, in fact, that I went on to eat too many of them too quickly and ended right back where I started: nausea city. Grrrr! I may have to parcel out the bag since I seriously have no self-control.

My mom bought me a HUGE box of Mike and Ikes yesterday, and those actually helped calm my stomach a bit before bed, but the amount of sugar in them is enough to give me a stomach ache if I eat too many. So I have to be careful not to gorge myself on them.

Then this morning I was going to have some of my cranberry raspberry juice with my bland breakfast of bread and butter. I poured it into my juice glass, and as I was putting the bottle away I noticed I bought cranberry POMEGRANATE juice. Damn it. It tastes awful. Does anyone in the Grand Rapids area like this stuff enough to take it off my hands? Grrrr.

So that's where I am right now. I am going to try getting some Preggy Pop Drops today (why bother with the lollipop stick, right?) and hopefully those will help out a little. We'll see.

Thanks again and again for all your advice, dear readers! I am so lucky to have you and appreciate all your wonderful ideas!

1 comment:

Andy, Ariella, Morgan and Gwen Saucier said...

I had really bad neasea for the first 4 and half months. I am praying I don't get it again. I bought the motion sickness wrist bands at CVS. They are super unstylish. But they have pressure points on them that is to help. I don't know if it actually helped, might have been all in my head but whatever works, right?