Friday, August 13, 2010

Charlevoix: Not All Perfect

Nothing is ever perfect, even on vacation ... just ask Clark W. Griswold. I try everyday to look on the bright side of things and not let the other stuff get me down. But, because I try to be honest and open here, I'll tell you a little about the imperfect on our trip.

The weather, most notably, has been unseasonably warm and humid for this area of the state. We have had ceiling and floor fans on constantly as the house we are staying at is not air conditioned; the constant hum of the multitude of fans going at all hours of the day was relaxing at first, but it's hard to carry on a conversation when you can't even hear the person next to you.

The heat itself has been a problem, and it has been affecting the kids probably more than I even realize. Both Baylor and Mollie have needed more fluids than usual and have been significantly less comfortable during the day. Mollie was so hot today that she didn't want to sit in her bouncy seat for her nap ... she didn't mind sacking out on the couch, though.

Baylor has been out of sorts the entire time we've been here. My usually mild-mannered little boy has started having tantrums and has been more generally disagreeable than usual. I don't know if it's the change of scenery or the early onset of the terrible twos, but something is amiss and I'm hoping it goes away when we return home to familiar surroundings and our daily routines. For now, we're just trying to do the best we can for him.

Our efforts to sleep train Mollie have gone off course since we have been living in a house with my family. She has been sleeping in the same room with us and down the hall from everyone else, so while I'd like to keep letting her cry a bit to teach her how to self-soothe, I have to try to keep everyone else's night's sleep in mind. Sooo, I've been coddling her, getting up with her too many times during the night to even count or remember. Plus, with the temperature and humidity being so high sleep has been less-than-comfortable. Needless to say, I haven't slept as much as I would like to. Of course, it'll be back to the usual when we get home, by hook or by crook.

Vacationing with two young kids is just rough, no matter how you stack it.

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