Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Year of Gratitude: Day 209 (a day late)

Today I am grateful for the server we had at Vitale's of Ada last night.  She was not only attentive and quick, but she also took the time to have a little conversation with Baylor about the elevators he's been on recently. She knew a lot about the J.W. Marriott downtown and seemed just as excited about it as he was.  It's not every day that we encounter someone so willing to chat with Baylor about his interests.

(In addition, it seems to have fueled Baylor's ongoing infatuation with waitresses that started all the way back when he was nine months old.  I have no doubt that he'll someday come to me and say, "Mom, I met the woman of my dreams!  She's the one I'm going to marry."  Then I'll ask her where he met her and he'll reply, "She was the waitress at the restaurant I went to last night.  It was love at first sight!"  And it's not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just funny that he already has a "type", at least in terms of profession.)

Have a wonderful day!

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