Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Before His Nap Today ...

Baylor loves to talk, especially when it stalls the inevitable going to bed.  Sometimes he says my name so much I want to pull my hair out, and usually he just says it so I will stay a little longer.  But he says some of the most curious things.  Here's what he said today ...

B:  "Mommy, can we go to the park on December 11th?"
Me:  "No, bubba, I think it'll be too cold."
B:  "Mommy, what do you want to do in December?"
Me:  "I don't know, sweetheart."
B:  "Mommy, I want to go to the park on November 11th."
Me:  "We might be able to do that."
B:  "Mommy ... Mommy ... um, Mommy ... do you ... do you ... do youuuuuu ..."
Me:  "Baylor, it's time to go to sleep."
B:  "Um, Mommy, where is my little pillow?"
Me:  "I put it up here above your head to block the sun."
B:  "Mommy, I want it under my legs."
(I put it under his legs and he smiled.)
B:  "Um, Mommy, what happens when you block the sun?"
Me:  "You can sleep better.  It's time for your nap, bubba."
B:  "Mommy ... Mommy ... Mommy ... who went to level three with me at the wedding?"
Me:  "Louis and David did, didn't they?"
B:  (smiling)  "Yeah."
Me:  (heading for the door)  "Alright, sweetheart, it's time for your nap."
B:  "Mommy, thank you for coming!"
Me:  "You're welcome."
B:  "Mommy, thank you for buying things at the store today!"  (I bought groceries at Meijer.)
Me:  (smiling)  "You're welcome, bubba."
B:  "Mommy, thank you for coming!"
Me:  "You're welcome, sweetheart.  It's time to sleep."
B:  "Um, Mommy ... Mommy ... Mommy ... um ..."
Me:  "Yes, dear?"
B:  "Mommy ... um ... Mommy, I love you."

And for all that, it was totally worth it.

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