Sunday, July 10, 2011

What I Learned Tonight

I have learned a few things tonight:

1) If you go looking for a mess in a place that is typically wet (e.g., the sink, the washing machine) you are going to find a whole lot more than you bargained for.

2) The cleaner my sink is, the less I want to do dishes. (Who wants to muck up a nice, clean sink?!)

3) When cleaning, a toothbrush can be your best friend.

4) The area under the rubber flap above your garbage disposal is, hands down, the most filthy, disgusting place in the house.  Maybe the world.  Just look ... I dare you!

5) No matter how clean I get the laundry room, no matter how many fluffy loads of freshly washed laundry I have in there, that room will still smell like s*%^ until I get both kids potty trained.  Grrrrrr.  (It's where we change diapers and keep the main floor diaper pail.)

What have you learned today?


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