Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Averse to Grass

I don't know what it is about our kids, but neither one of them has really enjoyed walking in grass.  Of course, this becomes an issue during the summer when the grass is green and begging to be walked and played in.  At my parents' house the lawn is huge and occasionally features a slide.  Mollie has been working on her sliding skills ... they still need some work.

Sometimes a little help is necessary.

The problem comes in when she hits the grass ...

It's a good core workout, I suppose.  Poor girl wouldn't put her head or limbs down while she was in the grass.

Baylor is finally more comfortable in the grass than he was around his first birthday.

And Aunt Christine was kind enough to bubble mow the lawn a bit so he could get his pop on.

Mollie may hate the grass, but she loves being near her brother more and was willing to venture into the green to get to Baylor and the bubbles.

Once she got there, though, she accidentally sat down in the grass and needed a little assistance getting up.  Thank goodness Aunt Christine was there!

Squatting is much better for those averse to grass; it keeps one's legs away from the tickles.

Have a wonderful day!

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