Wednesday, August 24, 2011

That's What He Said: The Late Night Edition

I could hear him over the monitor ... "Mommy!  Mommy!  Come here!"  So sad and upset.

I quickly, quietly trotted up the stairs and entered his room.  "What's the matter, bubba?"

"Oh, Mommy, I heard a noise when my sound machine was on.  Two noises."

"What were they, buddy?  What kind of noises?"  I hadn't heard anything outside or in the house, so I had no idea what he was talking about.

"The noises Pooh hears."

Ahhh.  "Oh, you mean the rumbly in his tummy?  Did you hear that?"


After a quick string cheese snack, and another brushing of the teeth, I got him back into bed.  We took his shirt off as he likes to be a little cold when he goes to sleep, and he snuggled right in.  And proceeded to pepper me with questions.

"Mom, what happens when if I hear the rumbly again?"

"You tell it that it's nighttime and he has to go to sleep."

"What happens if I hear it REALLY REALLY loud in the morning?"

"We'll get you breakfast as fast as we can."

"Mom, what happens when I suck him?"  Referring to his stuffed husky.

"Does he get crunchy and stiff?"  That's what she said.


"Okay, good night, buddy."

"Mom, what happens if a phone doesn't have an antenna?"  Seriously, this was the next question.

"Where did that question come from?"

"What does it doooo?  And what happens when a thing has two antennas?"

"Ah, well insects have two antennae on the top of their heads that they use to feel things. (I touched his arm with two fingers for effect.)  And cell phones have one antenna to send and receive signals."

"And Mom ..."

"Baylor, any more questions you have should be directed to your husky or Mr. Bear."

"Mom ..."

"Buddy, can you just say, 'I love you, Mom'?"

In the sweetest voice ever ...

"I love you, Mom."

1 comment:

Oma said...

Love, love, love that little boy.