Friday, February 18, 2011

The Kids Tonight: Sleepy and Sing-y

I thought I'd share with you a couple of quick stories about the kiddos tonight. Enjoy!

Mollie was particularly tired tonight, and as I was nursing her I could tell she was starting to fall asleep. No big surprise there ... it happens every once in a while no matter how hard I try to keep her awake. What I wasn't expecting, however, was that once she unlatched she instinctively rolled onto her tummy on the Boppy and snuggled in for the night! She looked so adorable all curled up in her sleeping position, but I had to pick her up; she still needed her second set of pajamas on and there was no way I could hold her on my lap all night long. Still, it was so adorable. (I was able to take a picture on my phone, so I'll try to get it on here at some point if I can.)

After coming downstairs, I got some laundry out of the dryer and got a drink of water (okay, and some caramel delight ice cream, too). I was all ready to head into the living room to watch some shows we had recorded and fold laundry, when I decided to turn on Baylor's monitor to make sure he was okay. And he was okay ... but he wasn't asleep.

Instead, I caught him singing to himself! It was so incredibly sweet. He sang, quietly ... sleepily, "Eh, eh-eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh-eh-elephant! Eh, eh-eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh-eh-elephant! Elephant is a word that starts with E. Elephant! Can you say elephant?"  It's from Sesame Street, right after they introduce the letter of the day.  He never wants to sing in front of us, though he started singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider a little tonight, so it was awesome to hear him just enjoying a little song for himself.

I am such a lucky mom to have two such awesome kids!

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