Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photo Session with Oma and Aunt Christine

I had a dentist appointment the other day, and while I was gone the kids stayed with my mom and sister.  For whatever reason, Mom and Christine decided to take some pictures of the kids.  They were wildly successful!  Here are a few of my favorites ...

Baylor did something he wasn't supposed to, so he ended up in time out for two minutes.  Time out at our house is, currently, him sitting in Mollie's high chair.  It keeps him contained and gives him a chance to calm down a bit.  We'll see how long that lasts.

After time out, Baylor got to go downstairs with Oma (I believe), and Mollie was a little sad that they left.

But she quelled her sadness with a little rummaging through Oma's cabinets.  Ah, there's nothing like emptying a basket to soothe the soul!

Thanks again, you two, for capturing memories in my absence!  

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Hello, Nicole -- saw you visited Beth and you're from Michigan, too. (I'm from Lansing). Just wanted to say hi and send greetings and hopes that our gloomy (albeit warm) day turns blue -- and soon!

And your kids are adorable!