Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who Let It Snow?!

Yeah, this post is about the snow storm.  But hey, it has pictures of cute kids cooped up with their mom ... can't go wrong with that, right?

Alright, so for those of you who are not friends with me on Facebook (but if you're not, you totally should be!) Baylor got sick yesterday.  Great timing, right?  Yeah, he woke up from his nap with a fever of 101.4 and then proceeded to throw up at the dinner table.  Other than that he was fine, and he didn't throw up again.  This morning he woke up pretty happy, but by breakfast he was cranky and obstinate.  Turns out, he was just extremely hungry from not having had any food for dinner and having thrown up.

While I got the kids breakfast, my husband went out to blow the snow off the driveway.  When he opened up the garage door, this is what he found.

Pretty sweet, huh?  I thought Baylor and Mollie needed to see it since it was their first big snow storm, so I schlepped them outside.  Baylor thought it was pretty cool.

Though I'm not sure he understood that it was actually snow.

But it was cold and the kiddos needed breakfast, so after admiring the beauty of the winter wonderland before us ...

... we went inside.  Had breakfast.  Played a little.  Then Mollie went down for her nap.

After I came back downstairs, Baylor and I sat on the Island and watched some Sesame Street.  He started out in really good spirits.

And then something happened.  The fever came back, almost in an instant.  His cheeks flushed, his mood dipped, and he got snuggly.  My poor little man with a 100.4 degree fever.

Anxious that he might throw up again because of the fever, I tried to get him cooled back down with varying success.

His fever waxed and waned all day long, but he was in relatively good spirits.  And he was tired, so he went down for his nap willingly!  Unbelievable.

After a lovely dinner of Sloppy Joe Pie, corn, and applesauce, we played a bit in the living room.  Mollie has been enjoying her rocking zebra quite a bit these days.

And today she actually figured out how to climb up on it.  Straddling it is just a breath away!

Then my husband took the rocker off the bottom so Mollie could scoot along the tile.  She thought that was pretty neat!

Then the kids had some fun throwing a ball up the stairs and watching it bounce down.  Well, Baylor had fun doing the throwing and Mollie was content just to watch.

Of course, the gate was across the stairway so they had a little trouble getting the ball back.  At first Baylor tried just yanking it through the slats, but that didn't work.

Then he learned.

It was awesome to see.

All things considered, we had a pretty good day cooped up in the house.  I felt a little stir-crazy, and the kids timed their naps so at least one of them was awake at all times - I could have used a break in there at some point.  But how can you complain with two such wonderful kiddos?

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