Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Words, Words, Words

Baylor is totally into the new Crayola Dry Erase Activity Center we bought for him the other day.  Though he hasn't wanted to practice writing much himself, he is really enjoying having me write out words for him so he can see how they are spelled.  And now we're talking about big (uppercase) and little (lowercase) letters ... all sorts of good stuff!

I was most surprised, however, by the words he decided I should write out for each letter.  I thought he would choose the standard fare you find in children's alphabet books (owl, puppy, etc.).  He instead chose orange, pencil, Quincy, rabbit, snake, terrific, and umbrella.

Quincy is from the Dr. Seuss ABC book ("The quick Queen of Quincy and her quacking quackeroo!") and the others are easily explainable ... but "terrific"?!  I was so beyond excited when he wanted me to write that word!  I don't know where he picked it up, but I am so glad he's expanding his vocabulary.

Being two and all, he has a short attention span, so he typically wants to move on to a new activity sheet after a few minutes.  We switched to V through Z and these are the words he came up with.

Yup, he wanted a whole bunch of z's to mean "sleeping".  Too funny.

Then we switched to the calendar page and he wanted to draw in the numbers himself.  He took a shot at 1 and 2.

And when that didn't go as he wanted it to, he asked me to do it.  So I did, as long as he said the numbers for me first.

Then it was on to the numbers page.  He saw the words on there and started counting in Spanish (since he thought that's what they said), so I wrote out numbers uno through diez for him.

Basically, right now, we're all about words!

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