Monday, May 30, 2011

First Injury for Miss Amalia

My beautiful little girl sustained her first real injury tonight.  She was circling her Uncle Gil and Aunt Sarah's minivan when she tripped over her own feet and basically landed on her chin.  She split the inside of her bottom lip on her front teeth and bled like a stuck pig.  And she cried.  Oh my did she cry! 

Here are a couple pictures of her banged up face.  My poor girl.

And the more she sucks on her binky, the bigger the bruise on the inside of her lip gets.  We'll see how she is when she wakes up tomorrow.  For now, her teeth are okay, her lip has stopped bleeding, and she is alright. 

And even with a banged up face, she's still adorable, isn't she?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor thing, I hope she is better soon.