Monday, May 16, 2011

That's What They Said (Recently)

Mollie is starting to talk a little more these days.  Just yesterday she started saying "Mama" and "All done".  And I think she knows the word "cheese" but it ends up coming out "ease".  Also, whenever someone says, "Where'd he/she go?" she holds up her hands like she's shrugging, looks around, and says "Uh oh!"  Too cute!

Baylor, on the other hand, has been talking up a storm lately and I had the forethought to write some of it down. I'd like to share his musings with you now ...  (Baylor's dialog will be noted with a "b", I will be an "M")

b:  Mommy, what are you doing?
M:  Washing a dish.
b:  Look at you go!

M:  I love you ... do you love me?
b:  I DON'T (a smile broadens on his face) love you.
(giggling ensued)

b:  Mommy, I pooped in Daddy's hand.
M:  No, bubba, you peed in Daddy's hand.
b:  (smiles mischievously) Yeah, I peed in Daddy's hand.

b:  We have some new water.  (after I filled his cup up with water)
M:  Yup.
b:  Where did it come from?
M:  The faucet.
b:  Right into my mouth!

(talking to no one in the living room)
b:  Great job, everyone!  Great job, everyone!  We did it!!

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