Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Year of Gratitude: Day Ten (a day late)

Last night as I was dragging myself up to bed, I was so grateful that after 31 years of living I have finally seem to have begun to really pay attention to my body.  We went to a football game yesterday and after we got home, grabbed dinner, got the kids washed and in bed, I realized I was starting to feel a cold coming on. When I was younger I would have done my best to ignore it and attempt to wish it away; now I take it as a sign to treat myself better by drinking extra water, eating well, and getting some much-needed sleep.  I'm not sure why I am more in tune with my body now; it could be just that I've lived long enough to finally notice it, it could be because I went through two pregnancies and became aware of everything as a result, it could be because I have had to pay so close attention to the kiddos and their health, or it could be because I am now so very familiar with all the lovely variations of the common cold (thank you, preschool).  Whatever the reason, I am grateful that I'm finally able to decode all the subtle messages my health sends me and do something about it.

Have a wonderful day!

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