Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Year of Gratitude: Day 105 (a day late)

Today I am grateful that I am working on getting onto more of a cleaning schedule.  The kids moved our kitchen bar stools into the living room to play with them the other day, and the felt circles on the feet (a.k.a., dust collectors) left a whole bunch of grey dust bunnies on the carpet.  After announcing that I would be vacuuming, Baylor asked me, "Is this spring cleaning?"

Yeah, it is so rare that I vacuum (among other things) that my son thinks that the simple act of vacuuming is a big spring cleaning event.

So, after this lovely little wake-up call, I'm working hard at staying on top of the cleaning around here.  It won't be easy; mealtime alone is a nightmare ... syrup, rice, crumbs of all shapes and sizes, among other things, seem to somehow be magnetically drawn to the floor and the counter top and people's shirts, but not their plates or bowls or mouths.  *sigh*

I digress.

I'm grateful this is happening.  I am grateful that this "big spring cleanup of 2013" will be the impetus for change around here.

Have a wonderful day!

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