Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Year of Gratitude: Day 89 (a day late)

Today I am grateful that Baylor tried some new activities within play.  We played school, and when I suggested we sing and move to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" he went along with it, and even smiled along the way!  Later on, again during "school time", I read them Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss.  Baylor usually avoids participation of any kind, but he copied every last sound I made right when I asked him.  It was great!  I am so proud of him for giving it a try and putting himself out there.  Hopefully this will translate to school sometime in the near future.

Regardless, these little interactions gave me hope that all this PLAY therapy we've been doing is working.

Have a wonderful day!

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