Saturday, May 29, 2010

Setting the Table

Baylor likes to help set the table ... and apparently now he'll do it even when it's not meal time! First he got out a spoon. As he went to put it on the table, he said, "No, no," toddled over to the drawer where we keep the place mats, and took one out. After placing it on the table, he put the spoon down, then hurried over to get out a fork. He took that to the table and said, "No, no ... napkin?"

Now, he shouldn't have been getting out silverware to begin with, but I really wanted to see where this was going, so I gave him a napkin and grabbed my camera. I'm so glad I did.

He put the napkin on the table and then put the fork on top of that, just like I've shown him when we've set the table together.

Well, not just like it ... he soon realized the napkin should be folded (because I always do that) and gave it a shot.

That didn't end well though ... he ended up shredding the napkin when he couldn't get it folded. Oh well, we'll work on that later.

Here's how he got the flatware out ... those locks are workin' great, huh?

All told he took out about two spoons and six forks ...

... one of which fell under the table and needed retrieving.

Then he said, "Stab, stab, stab!"

And he promptly found out that forks are sharp.

Such a helper!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How precious! You have made me smile :).