Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Little Victories

When you're a parent, it's often the little victories that mean the most.

Baylor loves to carry around his water bottle, but every time he was finished with it he would drop it hastily on the ground like a marathon runner discarding a paper cup of water. We decided to try to teach him to set it down, so every time he would drop it we'd stop him, squat down, and show him how to set it down like he should. Just about every time he'd look at us as if we were just hilarious, such a silly notion that he'd do anything but chuck the bottle. He learned the word "set" in the process, but he kept throwing his water bottle.

And then, the other day ...

... he finally set it down! I had to take a picture of it. It was a proud moment for me, and I called my husband in to share in the glory of our son having learned something. He's a smart kid, knows numbers, letters, shapes, colors, etc., but this ... this was awesome.

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