Friday, May 7, 2010

Sometimes I'd Like to Curl Up in a Ball

This is a derivation of the title of a book my son loves (Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball ... check it out, it's awfully cute!), and this is all I could think about yesterday.

You see, on my mom's birthday, May 5th, I came down with a lovely little stomach bug that has begun to take its toll on my body. I haven't been able to keep anything in me since I got sick, which has made nursing and taking care of two kids (one of whom is very active) quite difficult.

To top it all off, my daughter now seems to be sick as well; yesterday she was especially fussy and had the same stomach issues I have been dealing with.

My general practitioner said that this bug that's going around can last up to seven to ten days, so I'm scrambling to try to figure out a way to best take care of myself and my kiddos, and keep as many people in the house as healthy as possible. In addition, I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that my husband is leaving for California and Mexico on Monday morning and will be gone until Friday. *sigh*

I have to say, being sick as an adult is hard. Life just doesn't stop like it did when I was sick as a kid; no school, no playing, just sitting on the couch watching television and napping. Yesterday especially all I wanted was my mom to swoop in with hugs and the one thing I remember and miss most about being sick as a kid: cinnamon toast sans crust, cut into one-inch squares and served with a toothpick. Somehow, some way, that always made me feel better. And it was delicious, too; she always magically got the butter to melt and for the cinnamon to be in a puffy layer on top, almost soaked into the humble slice of bread it was sprinkled on. When I try to replicate this myself, I always find it disappointing; the butter never melts on at least one part of the toast and the cinnamon is patchy and dry. Hopefully I'll learn her secret someday so I can give this wonderful treat to my kiddos when they aren't feeling their best.

And now, it's time for me to call yet another doctor and try to choke down some more Gatorade. Wish me luck! Oh, and wash your hands and drink lots of fluids ... trust me, you don't want this.

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