Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Year of Gratitude: Day 28

Today I am also grateful for Baylor's optimistic spirit.  I don't know how many of you know this, but Baylor is an optimistic little fellow.  For example, he recently went to a couple MSU football games, and when we lost he said, "It's sad we lost, but at least the other team won!"  Sometimes his moods or his worries get in the way, but by and large he's always looking for the silver lining.  And he usually uses that silver lining to cheer up those around him, another wonderful trait of his.

So today, when I was frustrated that lunch time was taking so long and things weren't working out so well, he looked at me with joy in his eyes and earnestly said, "Today is the best day ever!"  Of course I couldn't help but smile.  And I asked him, "Buddy, is every day the best day ever?"

And,of course, he smiled and said, "Yes."

Have a wonderful, silver lining kind of day!

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