Friday, October 16, 2009

In Wonder

I can't believe that less than a year ago my little man looked like this ...

It seems like forever ago that he was a little blob we had to position with pillows and blankets, waiting for him to wake up to get a few pictures with his eyes open before he drifted back off to sleep again. It is hard to believe that in no time we'll have another little, adorable blob in our home, though this time it'll be a lot different. I remember those early days with Little B being slow and quiet; our early days with Paco will likely be frenetic and loud ... and wonderful.

Here are a couple pictures of my little man yesterday ...

Isn't it amazing how he's changed? I just can't get over it. And he'll change even more in the years to come, and I'll probably be blown away by that, too.
May I just say ... I love motherhood!

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