Friday, March 4, 2011

Bed Head and The Noisy Restaurant

Earlier this week, the kiddos and I went out to dinner with my parents while my husband was at class.  Somehow, their nap schedule got all messed up and I ended up having to wake up both kids in time to go out for dinner.  After his nap, Baylor's head tends to be a little warm and sweaty (he's a naturally warm kiddo, you know?), so when we put his hat on to brave the cold outside it produced some awesome hair by the time we got to the restaurant.

As you can probably tell, Baylor was still pretty tired from his nap even as dinner progressed.  Much like his dad, the little man does not like to be woken up from his slumber.  Mollie, on the other hand, is much like me; she can perk up with the best of them.

Soon after we arrived, a group of middle school girl basketball players came in to have dinner with their parents.  My oh my, did the place get noisy!  You could barely hear yourself think, let alone talk to the person next to you.  Baylor, who is slightly sensitive to loud noises, decided to just avoid the noise as best he could and kept his fingers in his ears for the rest of dinner.

Which meant that my dad and I had to feed him the rest of his dinner.  Not really that uncommon of an occurrence, but it was extra cute that he just wanted to have his fingers in his ears.  Happily, it also meant that he gave up the struggle on what to eat and when; lately he's been a bear at dinner, not eating things he usually likes and taking forever to get through his meal ... apparently this is a common two-year-old tactic.

He finally took his fingers out of his ears when I needed to put his coat on to leave.  Lest you think that he has some sort of issue, I will concur that the restaurant was WAY too noisy; I would have put my fingers in my ears as well had it been socially acceptable.

Such a funny little guy!

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