Monday, March 7, 2011

Book Review: Momma Zen

Today I finished what has become one of my favorite books.  Momma Zen, written by Karen Maezen Miller, is - in my opinion - a must-read for any mom or mom-to-be.  I can barely describe the book; it is a wonderful mix of Zen teachings and honest life lessons about motherhood, but it is also a striking memoir about a woman entering the world of mommyland in mid-life all the while struggling as her own mother develops ovarian cancer.

Let's put it this way ... I have never, in my life, carried flags with me so I could mark great points and passages in a book I'm reading for fun.  And I did with this book.  It's that good.

It's short at only 169 pages, the last of which give a quick lesson on meditating.  The chapters are short as well, and there is a great section in the back called "For the Hard Days: Where to Look for Help" that directs you to chapters that can help you when you need anything from balance to trust.

I plan on returning to this book often; it warmed my heart and made me feel less alone on this crazy trip called motherhood.  So many times I found myself saying, "That's it!  She's hit the nail right on the head!" or "That's exactly what I needed to hear."

Truly amazing, Momma Zen: Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood is something you must experience, particularly if you are a mother.

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