Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Year of Gratitude: Day 134

Today I am grateful that I got to witness Baylor step out of his comfort zone a little bit last night.  He has such a wonderful imagination and is always weaving elaborate stories, but he never likes to write them down himself.  Last night that changed and Baylor hand-wrote his first story!  Here it is, illustration included:

It reads:

Baylor was pumping until he heard his dad say, "Baylor"

It took quite a while for him to write this, and he needed a bit of help on the spelling (and with a little trouble with the starting letters to "until") but he did this all on his own.  (I did show him the correct punctuation for quotes ... I figure it's never too early to start learning proper English, right?)  Oh, and the pumping he is referring to is pumping water ... he is giving his sister a Lego set for her birthday that includes a water pump, so it's on his mind right now, I guess.

The picture is of him sleeping with his Star Wars light saber shirt on, though I don't know why as it doesn't seem to pertain to the story.

I'm so proud of my budding author!

Have a wonderful day!

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