Monday, June 15, 2009

Cape Cod: Huh?

New England is funny. It's definitely different than what we're used to in Michigan. Here are a few examples.

We were driving out to Chatham when we noticed these signs. I initially thought it meant that there was a lot of vegetation around (though I couldn't quite figure out what that had to do with the speed limit), but it actually refers to the issue of the area being densely populated - so you have to watch out for all the people around. It was weird regardless.

Here is the house we're staying at. Like most of the houses in the area, it has at least a little bit of cedar siding (some of the houses even have cedar shingles). I don't understand this choice for siding ... it seems like it would have to be replaced often and it turns a funny color once it weathers. Notice the portion in the breezeway area is still the original blond cedar color, while the area above it has weathered to gray. Weird.

We went for a little walk and came upon this house with a TON of seagulls on the roof. Again, this is how cedar siding weathers over here.

All these pictures are from the same day; as you'll notice, they started out very sunny and blue-skied and have suddenly turned gray and gloomy. A fog rolled in in the afternoon, and it was a fascinating sight. On our walk, our original destination was the beach, and we saw it ... but we did not see the water. The fog was that thick!

Along the way we also saw some people playing golf in the fog. It seemed too thick to me, but my husband seemed to think it'd be okay. Still, it looked kinda funny.

So Massachusetts is a little weird, but it certainly is fascinating!

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