Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sleepy Time Routine: Well, That Sucked

Yeah, so the past two nights have been a disruption to our sleepy time routine ... in spite of my efforts to wake him back up after feeding, he has pretty much been asleep when I put him in bed. Not good. I don't know if that is what contributed to what happened last night or not, but we definitely need to get back on track.

Yesterday my son didn't nap. At all. Let me tell you, it was a long day. I tried to get him to nap, I really did. The first time he probably would have gone down just fine if I hadn't fallen asleep while feeding him, thus allowing him to fall asleep and get comfy on me, then accidentally woke him up trying to get him into his crib, blah blah blah. You get the idea. My second major attempt, he just stood up in his crib and sobbed harder and harder.

That said, aside from the crying around naptime and during his feedings (which makes me think his two new teeth are going to make an appearance soon) he was his happy, jolly self. Even at the grocery store, he shrieked - loudly - with delight at the giant price drop signs.

So what happened last night? Well, I have no idea what time it happened first, but my son woke up sobbing. He cried and cried, almost beside himself, to the point that he lost his breath. The first time he got back to sleep on his own after a few minutes of it, but the second time he woke up at about 4:30 a.m. it escalated to the point I felt I had to go in there. My husband reminded me to check his diaper (good thinking, honey!), and it was full enough for a dark diaper change. Of course, he peed with his diaper off, so I had to spend time cleaning that up (hint: use a diaper to sop up all the pee ... they are super absorbent!). Then I got him back into his diaper, gave him some Tylenol, "read" him his sleepy time stories, and put him in his crib. And he cried ... hard.

Since I woke up with a very engorged breast, I had to pump right then. So I went downstairs and did that, listening to my little guy as he cried. It was rough. My husband tried going in there after a few minutes, but the little man just wanted to be held and we weren't doing that. I love him dearly and want to hold him (all the time), but he so needs to learn to get to sleep on his own, regardless of the situation.

He eventually got himself back to sleep, but it is so unsettling to hear him cry like that. I am looking forward to when he can tell me what's wrong so I can better help him in the middle of the night. Until then, I can only do what I think is best, I guess.

Hopefully today will be chock-full of naps, smiles, giggles, and fun. Knock on wood!


Ashley said...

Kudos to you Nicole!!! Although Aiden isn't always sound asleep when I put him down he is usually pretty much on his way out. I've been following your attempt at weaning Baylor to going to sleep on his own. I couldn't imagine waking Aiden after nursing to put him down. My friend's daughter is 15months and even though she's always been a bottle feeder she still gets a bottle at bedtime and that usually puts her to sleep (in mommy's arms) and then she is put down. I wish you luck as you continue your training. Meanwhile, I'll keep taking notes from you for when our day comes. Hugs and good luck tonight!

Nicole said...

Thanks, Ashley! I'll try to let you know how things go tonight. So far, I put him down awake and he was not happy about it. So we'll see. His teeth are certainly bothering him so that's definitely throwing a wrench into our plans. Poor little man.