Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sleepy Time Routine: That's About Right ...

(Grandma, Grandpa ... please look away - I'm about to swear.)

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

I knew I shouldn't have written that last post. Grrr. I shouldn't have written that post until my son was FIVE!!! Grrr.

He had a relatively rough night's sleep, punctuated at 6:30 by waking up and not really wanting to go back to sleep. And now, he's in his crib on a nap strike, crying away at me - willing me to come up there. Which I did. That said, I didn't pick him up; I just laid him back down and handed him Mr. Bear, said a few comforting words (Momma loves you, blah blah blah), and left the room to a chorus of top-of-his-lungs screams.


I don't understand what happened from one day to the next. I really don't. I try to tell myself that this isn't an exact science, but it seemed like we had something good going there. And now this.

We'll see how this plays out. In the meantime, I have packing to do.

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