Monday, July 27, 2009

Beautiful People

I just read an article on The Huffington Post about an amazing little girl named Phoebe who raised money to donate to the San Francisco Food Bank. After seeing a hungry, homeless man on the street holding a sign asking for money, she decided that she wanted to help this man and others like him who were hungry. She sent out 150 letters to friends and family, asking for pop can donations to help her meet her goal of raising $1000 in two months. Only 50 people responded initially, but as more and more people heard about her efforts the donations started flooding in. By the end of her two months she raised a whopping $3,736.30 - enough for the SF Food Bank to feed 17,800 people! To read the full article and see a video put together about 5 year-old Phoebe and her project, click here.

The article, and the little girl in it, made me feel hopeful - hopeful that there are good things happening out there today. Today's news is so often filled with sad, dismal information, that it is refreshing to hear about people who are doing good things, being good to one another.

Another site I came upon through the Huffington Post article was As they put it on their website: "We value the sharing of ideas, talents, and resources with others to create a community filled with compassion and respect." I love this. Though it is a fledgling website and project, I see a lot of potential in this cause and its creator Toan Lam. He plans to publish inspirational stories of people helping one another in hopes of inspiring others to be kind to their fellow man.

Then, of course, there is one of my favorite sites that I know I have mentioned previously: Operation Nice. Melissa, the creator of the Operation Nice blog, wants to encourage people to be nice to one another. In her words: "I believe that kindness can change the world, so it's my mission to spread the concept of being nice, as simple as that may sound." Simply by being nice to someone else, we can make the world a better, happier place to be. How great is that?!

I hope you guys enjoy the article and the websites I've included on this post! Have a beautiful day!

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